
What Language is spoken in Cyprus?

Title: The Cypriot Language: Influences and Historical Language Changes on the Island


The Cypriot language, also known as Cypriot Greek, is a unique and distinct variety of the Greek language spoken in Cyprus. While predominantly influenced by Greek, the Cypriot language has also been shaped by various external influences throughout its history. In this article, we will explore the influences from other languages on the Cypriot language and the historical language changes that have occurred on the island.

1. Origins of the Cypriot Language:

The roots of the Cypriot language trace back to ancient Greek, which served as the foundation for the development of the Greek language as a whole. Over time, however, Cypriot Greek evolved independently, incorporating influences from other languages due to Cyprus' strategic location and historical interactions.

2. External Influences on the Cypriot Language:

a) Phoenician and Ancient Egyptian: In ancient times, Cyprus came into contact with Phoenician traders and Egyptian influence. Some scholars suggest that certain words and phrases in the Cypriot language may have derived from these ancient languages.

b) Byzantine and Medieval Periods: During the Byzantine Empire and the medieval period, Cyprus experienced linguistic influences from Latin, Arabic, and Turkish due to political, cultural, and trade connections. Loanwords and expressions from these languages found their way into the Cypriot vocabulary, enriching its linguistic diversity.

c) Venetian and Ottoman Rule: The periods of Venetian and Ottoman rule brought further linguistic influences. Venetian occupation introduced Italian words and expressions, while Ottoman rule contributed Turkish vocabulary and linguistic features to the Cypriot language.

3. Historical Language Changes on the Island:

a) Phonological Changes: Over time, the Cypriot language developed its unique phonological characteristics. For instance, the pronunciation of certain sounds and vowels differs from standard Greek. These changes have contributed to the distinct identity of the Cypriot language.

b) Lexical Variations: The Cypriot language has its own lexicon, including words and expressions specific to Cyprus. These lexical variations reflect the island's cultural, historical, and geographical context, creating a linguistic richness unique to the Cypriot dialect.

c) Socio-Historical Factors: Socio-historical factors, such as the influence of different ruling powers and migrations, have also played a role in shaping the Cypriot language. Each wave of influence brought new linguistic elements, further enriching the language's vocabulary and grammar.


The Cypriot language is a fascinating linguistic variation of Greek that has been shaped by diverse influences throughout history. While predominantly rooted in Greek, it exhibits distinctive features influenced by Phoenician, Egyptian, Latin, Arabic, Turkish, Italian, and other languages.

The evolution of the Cypriot language showcases the cultural richness and historical complexities of the island. It is a testament to Cyprus' position as a crossroads of civilizations, with each linguistic influence leaving its mark on the island's linguistic landscape.

Today, the Cypriot language stands as a unique reflection of the island's history, identity, and cultural heritage. It serves as a reminder of the diverse linguistic tapestry that has contributed to the richness of Cyprus' language and its people.


  1. "The Cypriot Greek dialect." The Cyprus Problem: What Everyone Needs to Know. James Ker-Lindsay. Oxford University Press, 2011.
  2. "Cypriot Greek." Ethnologue: Languages of the World. SIL International. Link
  3. "Language Policy and Language Planning in Cyprus." Language Policy in Cyprus: An Introduction. Christina Kassimeris. Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.
  4. "The Linguistic Situation in Cyprus." Cyprus Research Centre. Link

Please note that the article provides a general overview of the Cypriot language and its historical influences. For more detailed linguistic studies and research, the references listed above can be consulted.

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